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Michel Montecrossa widmet ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?? Fridays for Future & Greta

Michel Montecrossa?s New-Topical-Song ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change??, veröffentlicht von Mira Sound Germany auf Audio-CD, DVD sowie als Download, ist Fridays for Future und Greta Thunberg gewidmet sowie allen Opfern des Klimawandels. Michel Montecrossa ist der New-Topical-Songwriter, der Mirapuri gegründet hat - die Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien - als eines der wichtigsten Aktions-Zentren, die an einer Veränderung des Klimawandels arbeiten. Sein Song ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?? ist ein durchdringender Aufruf dazu, dass für die Zukunft der Erde das Richtige getan werden muss, bevor es zu spät ist.

Michel Montecrossa über ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change??:

"Mein New-Topical-Song ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change??, der Fridays for Future und Greta Thunberg sowie allen Opfern des Klimawandels gewidmet ist, sendet das ultimative Warnsignal an jede Regierung und jede Klimawandelkonferenz. Mein New-Topical-Song ?What Can We Do To Change The Climate Change?? singt: Wir müssen für die Zukunft der Erde das Richtige tun, bevor es zu spät ist.?

What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that?s what we can do to change the climate change.
What can I do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That?s what I do to change the climate change.

What can we do to bring the wrong to an end? / I say, let?s take the direction away / from doom and deadly games / towards deep understanding of truth and action / that?s what we can do to bring the wrong to an end.
Consciousness growth is my evolving truth, / leads to love and vision free of egoism, / leads to wisdom of union and working together. / Yes, consciousness growth is my evolving truth.
Climate change will change if we come together / to build places of green ways to handle the future / and learn to be human, peaceful and strong. / Climate change will change if it?s that what we want.
That?s what I do together with my friends, / building a city for futureman / where the best of today meets the future-forces / coming from our inner resources,

where love is the master and soul the key / to creation boundless and free, / where consciousness meets consciousness and sees, / ?cause love is the master and soul is the key.
This place is Mirapuri, the place for you and me / to set an example and give proof and the key / that ecology works and consciousness is great. / This place is Mirapuri, it?s a conscious place
where unity is true and young the drive / to find the good way of kindness bright / that is healthy and progressive, saves the climate and our life. / Unity is true and young change, I say, is right.
This is Mirapuri, it?s my pounding life. / It?s my message of encouraging love and light / of a better world ending climate change night. / This is Mirapuri, well, it?s the helping might.
What can we do to change the climate change? / First thing for sure is consciousness change. / We must grow in awareness and practice habit change / that?s what we can do to change the climate change.
And what can I do to change the climate change? / First thing I know is consciousness change. / I grow in awareness and lend a helping hand. / That?s what I do to change the climate chan